Zavicefta (ceftazidime/avibactam): kháng sinh mới chống vi trùng kháng đa thuốc

Zavicefta is a fixed combination of avibactam, a new beta-lactamase inhibitor, and ceftazidime, an antibiotic belonging to the class of third generation cephalosporins that is already approved for use in the EU. Resistance to cephalosporins and to another class of antibiotics, carbapenems, has been increasing lately, in particular in Gram-negative bacteria, and is of major concern. Beta-lactamases are enzymes involved in bacterial resistance to these antibiotics. By inhibiting the action of these enzymes, avibactam restores the activity of ceftazidime against ceftazidime-resistant pathogens. This antibacterial agent also has activity against many of the carbapenem-resistantEnterobacteriaceae, an area where there is currently an unmet medical need as patients have very few options available due to resistance to treatment.∣=WC0b01ac058004d5c1