Batch Size    :    500 Lits
Filling    :    60 ml
Each 10 ml contains :
Chloroquine Phosphate I.P.             160    mg
equivalant to Chloroquine base        100    mg
Flavoured Syrup base                 q.s.
Colour : Sunset Yellow FCF
No.     Ingradients            Lable Amounts     Qty. Required
Per ml Per Batch
1    Chloroquine Phosphate IP    160 mg     8.000    Kg
2    Sugar    q.s.    140.000    Kg
3    CMC Sodium    q.s.     6.000    Kg
4    Nipazine Sodium I.P.    q.s.     1.000    Kg
5    Nipazole Sodium I.P.    q.s.     0.100    Kg
6    Citric Acid    q.s.     5.000    Kg
7    Sodium Benzolate I.P.    q.s.     0.100    Kg
8    Tween 80    q.s.     0.250    Kg
9    Idion 234    q.s.     9.000    Kg
10    Color Sunset Yellow    q.s.     50.0    gm
11    Ess. Pieprmint    q.s.     2.25    Lit
12    D.M. Water    q.s.    500.000    Lit

[ pH : 4.00 to 5.50 ]
1    Weight accurately all ingradients
2    Prepare sugar syrup filter, if then transfer in vessel
3    Dissolve 4.5 in D.M. Water and dispere C.M.C. Sodium I.P. in hot water then add in vessel (A) homogenise to mix all to gather.
4    Add Glycerine in vessel ( A ).
5    Dissolve chloroquine phosphate I.P. in D.M. Water add Idion 234 in tank (B) stir well.
6    Ten add in tank ( A ) stirwell.
7    Add colour sunset yellow in hot water to mix then add in tank (a)
8    Add essence adjust pH and sand sample for Q.C. if result OK then proceed for filling.


Batch Size        :    1, 00, 000 Tablets.
Practical Yield    :    97, 000 Tablets.
Usual Packing    :    10 Tablets

Qty required

Nimesulide  10.00 Kgs 
Lactose 12.00 Kgs 
Starch10.00 Kgs 
Sodium Metabisulphite 0.04 Kgs 
Propylparaben 0.04 Kgs 
Starch 3.00 Kgs 
Talcum 0.50 Kgs 
Magnesium Stearate 0.15 Kgs 
Dry mix Banana Flavour 0.25 Kgs 
Sodium Starch Glycolate 1.12 Kgs 
  1. Sanitize and clean all the equipment as per standard operating procedures.
  2. Pass through 40 # mesh sieves ingradients Nimesulide, Lactose, Starch and mix for 15.0 minutes.
  3. Prepare the starch paste with ingredients Sodium Metabisulphite, Propylparaben, starch. Add to step (1) and mix till a suitable mass for wet granules is achieved. Pass the wet granules through 8 mm Multimill sieves. Dry the granules to 2.0 % moisture content. Finally shift through 18 # mesh sieves.
  4. Lubricate the granules with ingredients Talcum, Magnesium Stearate, Dry Mix Banana Flavour, and Sodium Starch Glycolate.
  5. Compress the tablet at the weight of 358 mg per tablet.
  1. Average weight         :    358 mg    
  2. Thickness            :    4.0 mm
  3. Hardness            :    3.0 Kg/ cm2
  4. Diameter            :    9.5 mm


Batch Size    :     400 Lts.
Claims     :    Each 5 ml. provides Norfloxacin 100 mg and Metronidazole as
Metronidazole Benzoate 100 mgs.

Metronidazole Benzoate 
14.1 Kgs. 
Norfloxacin + Resin Complex
16.0 Kgs. 
Methyl Paraben Sodium 
400.0 Gms. 
Propyl Paraben Sodium 
90.0 Gms 
Guar Gum 
2.0 Kgs 
Sorbitol Liquid 
40.0 Kgs. 
Polysorbate 80 
400.0 Gms. 
Colour Tartrazine 
16.0 Gms. 
Essence Mixed Fruit Conc. 
800.0 Gms. 
Essence Peppermint 
400.0 Gms.
200.0 Kgs. 
Purified water  
400 .0 Kgs. 
Please Note
To mask the bitter taste of Norfloxacin it is combined with Indian 204 Resin.
  1. Manufacturing process for Norfloxacin Resinate
    1. In a suitable SS charge the followings:
    2. Purified water 800 Lts.
    3. Charge 8.00 Kgs of Norfloxacin slowly under stirring to form 1 % fine suspension. Norfloxacin will partly dissolve and party will remain in suspension.
    4. Now charge 8.00 Kgs. of Indion 204 resia slowly under stirring.
    5. When all the addition is complete stir for additional 2 hours. During this period all the Norfloxacin will combine with the resin to form Norfloxacin Resinate.
    6. Filter the resultant resinate over buchner funnel.
    7. Wash the resinate on the filter with purified water to remove any unabsorbed Norfloxacin.
    8. Suck dry as far as possible.
    9. Dry the resinate at room temperature to constant weight.
    10. Use the dried resinate for the batch.
    Please Note
    The absorption is almost quantitative. The absorbed Norfloxacin does not get desorbed when resuspended in water.
    The Norfloxacin resinate will weigh about 16.00 Kgs. (on dry anhydrous basis )
II    Manufacturing process for suspension
A    Prepare the primary syrup as per follows
  1. Take 100 Lts. of purified water. Heat it to boiling.
  2. Add to it 200 Kgs of sugar under stirring. Stir until dissolved completely.
  3. Filter hot.
B    Mix methyl Paraban Sodium, Propyl Paraben sodium and guar gum together and
charge to the filtered syrup and stir to dissolve completely.
C    Keep it overnight.
On the next day add sorbitol liquid and tween 80 under stirring.
D    Now add one by one the followings in small quantities under stirring.
Metronidazole Benzoate     14.1 Kgs.
Norfloxacin Resinate    16.0 Kgs.
E    Mix further for 60 minutes.
F    Pass through colloid mill. Makeup the volume to 400 Lts.
Keep overnight for maturation.
G    Next day dissolve colour in the water and mix with the bulk suspension. Finally
add the flavour and make up the volume to 400 Lts.
H    Stir for one hour and send for filling.
Please Note :
    The pH adjustment is not required. It is self-achieved to a value around 7.0.


Ingridient                             Qty.
Sodium Bicarbonate    500    mg
Tartaric Acid    400    mg
Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone     8    mg
Iso Propanol +
Methylene Chloride ( 1:1 )    Sufficient
Ascorbic Acidq    550    mg
Sucrose ( 0.5 mm )    661    mg
Polyethylene Glycol 6000     67    mg
Orange Flavour     10    mg
Saccharin Sodium Salt     1    mg
Total    2200    mg
1    Mix Sodium Bicarbonate + Tartaric Acid in mass mixer.
2    Prepare 5% Dispersion of PVP in iso propyl alcohol and Methylene Chloride.
3    Add the solution slowly under stirring and mix. Until cohherent mass is formed.
4    Pass this mass through sieve 0.5 mm Dry at 70 C
5    Take Ascorbic Acid and sucrose them together Dry them at 60 C
6    Mix both the portions together
7    Further mix, Polythylene glycol 6000 Powder, orange flavour and saccharin Sodium salt.
8    Compressed into tablets.
1    Please note Relative humidity should not increase more than 35% as other wise tablet will be discoloured.
2    Wt. Of each tablet = 2200 mg
     ie = 2.2 gms


Batch Size :
Presentation :
It is available in 50 mg / ml in 10 ml Single use vial.
It is Colourless to faint Yellow aqueous sterile solution.
Each 10 ml provides 500 mg Fluorouracil – pH is 8.6 – 9.4
On storage the preparation may get slightly coloured but the potency is maintained.

Sr. No.
5 – Fluorouracil
500 gms
Sodium Hydroxide Dilute sufficient Quantity

Water for Injection to make 10Lts

Manufacturing Procedure :
  1. Take 3/4th quantity of Water for Injection in a sterile SS vessel of suitable capacity.
  2. Add quantity of dilute sodium hydroxide solution to raise pH to 9.00
  3. Add Fluorouracil and stir to dissolve.
  4. Make up the final volume
  5. Sterilize by filtration through 0.22 micron membrane filter.
  6. Fill vials aseptically.
Please Note :
Fluorouracil is insoluble in Water
However, it dissolves completely in presence of alkali such as sodium hydroxide.
The product is thermolabite. Store in cool dark place. Avoid autoclaving.


(3 mg / ml)
Batch Size : 100 Lts
Raw Material Qty.
Adenosine 300 gms
Sodium Chloride 900 gms
Water for Injections 100 Lts
pH : 4.5 - 7.5
Manufacturing Process :
  1. Take Water for Injection in a suitable SS Vessel.
  2. Cool it to 40 C
  3. Add Sodium Chloride and stir to dissolve.
  4. Add adenosine and stir to dissolve completely.
  5. Check the pH
  6. It shall be between 4.5 - 5.5
  7. If not add dilute HCl and adjust require value ( 5.0 )
  8. Sterilize by filteration from 0.22 micron membrane.
  9. Fill into 2 ml Vials under nitrogen throughly.
  10. Plug with sterile butyl plugs and apply aluminium seal.

C1-H13N5O4 267.25
6-Amino-9-b -D-ribofuranosyl-9-H-purine
9- b-D-Ribofuranosyladenine [ 58-61-7 ]
Adenosine contains not less than 99.0 percent and not more than 101.0 percent of C10H13N5O4, calculated on the dried basis.
Packaging and storage-Preserve in well-closed, light-resistant containers.
USP Reference standards (11}-USP Adenosine RS.
Identification-Injrared Absorption (197M).
Melting range (741): between 233° and 238°.
Specific rotation (781S): between -68.0° and -72.0°.
Test solution: 20 mg per mL in sodium hydroxide solution (1 in 20), determined on a test specimen previously dried at 105° for 2 hours.
Acidity or alkalinity-Suspend 1 9 in 20 mL of carbon dioxide- free water. Stir for 30 seconds, and filter through a coarse filter. To each of two 10-mL portions of the filtrate add.0.1 mL of bromocresol purple TS. Not more than 0.3 mL of 0.01 N sodium hydroxide is required to produce a blue-violet color in one portion, and not more than 0.1 mL of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid is required to produce a yellow color in the other portion.
Loss on drying (731)-Dry it at 105° for 2 hours: it loses not more than 0.5% of its weight.
Heavy metals, Method II (231): 0.001%.
Limit of ammonia-Suspend 0.5 g in 10 mL of water. Stir for 30 seconds, and filter through a coarse filter. Dilute the filtrate with water to 15 mL, mix, and use the filtrate as the test solution. Dilute I mL of ammonium chloride solution (314 in 1000) with 100 mL of water. Mix 2 mL of this ammonia standard solution with 13 mL of water, and use this as the reference solution. To the test solution and the reference solution add 0.3 mL of alkaline mercuric-potassium iodide TS, cap the test tubes, and allow to stand for about 5 minutes: the test solution does not exhibit a more intense yellow color than that of the reference solution (not more than 0.0004% .ammonia).
Limit of ch1oride-Suspend 0.2 g in 10 mL of water. Stir for 30 seconds, filter through a coarse filter, and use the filtrate as the test solution. Prepare a chloride standard solution by diluting 1 mL of sodium chloride solution (231 in 1000) with 100 mL of water. To the test solution and 10 mL of the chloride standard solution add 1 mL of nitric acid and 1 mL of silver nitrate TS, dilute each solution than 2.0, and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%
Procedure : Searately inject equal volumes (about 20 ml ) of the Standard preparaiton and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the peak responses. Calculate the quantity in mg of C8H11N5O3 in the portion of Ointment taken by the formula :
100 C ( rU / rS ),
in which C is the concentration, in mg per ml, of USP Acyclovir RS in the Standard preparation and rU and rS are the peak responses obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard preparation respectively.



Sr. No. Ingredients Qty
Ampicillin sodium 115.00 mg.
Diluents Nil
To compensate the loss on storage and during processing overage of 10 % has been included in the formulation.
371.39 gms. of Ampicillin sodium = 349.40 gms. of Ampicillin Anhydrous.
100 mg. of ampicillin anhydrous = 106.29 gms. of Ampicillin sodium.
500 MG.

Sr. No. Ingredients Qty
Ampicillin sodium I.P. 580 mg.
Diluents Nil
To compensate the loss approx 10 % has been included.
500 mg. of Ampicillin Anhydrous is approximately equal to 532 mg. of Ampicillin sodium.
  1. Obtain Ampicillin sodium sterile from the reliable dealer.mfger only.
  2. Check carefully date of mfg./expiry/batch No. Do not accept any material which is :
    Near to expiry
    Batch No is not clear
    The pack is soiled or broken
    The pack is not marked as sterile.
  3. Store Ampicillin Bulk in a clean, cool place away from direct sunlight / heat radiation. Protect the bulk from moisture.
  4. Ampicillin sodium injection shall be expiry dated. The expiry shall not be more than 24 months from the date of mfg.
  5. As per schedule P :
    Maximum shelf life for ampicillin sodium bulk is 3 years.
    Maximum shelf life for ampicillin sodium injection is 2 years.
    Hence ampicillin sodium bulk
    Which had already been shelved for one year shall not be used.

  6. Ampicillin injection shall be prepared an area specially reserved for penicillin preparations.
  7. Machine operators/chemists who can come in direct contact with ampicillin dust shall use proper face masks.
  8. Direct contact with skin shall be avoided (Ampicillin sodium powder in contact with skin can cause sensitization )
    Carryout the assay for ampicillin content as per I.P. page No.
    Calculate the proportionate amount of ampicillin for each container.
    Find out % deviation.
    For 100 mg. Ampicillin sodium vial % deviation shall not be more than ± 10 %.
    For 250 mg vials it shall not be more than ± 7.5 %.
    For 500 mg vials it shall not be more than ± 5 %.
    (Out of 10 containers atleast 9 container shy comply to above limits.
    However, one container out of 10 may show deviation upto the twice the limit shown above).
  9. Uniformity of weight :
    Take 10 containers.
    Remove the adherent label.
    Wash and dry the outside.
    Open the container and without delay weigh the container as completely as possible by gentle tapping, rinse if necessary with water, and them with alcohol and dry at 105 C. for one hour.
    Allow to cool in dessicator and weigh.
    The difference in weight represents the weight of the contents.
    Determine the average weight.
    Not more than two of the individual weights shall deviate from the average weights shall deviate from the average weight by more than 10 % and none deviates by more than 20 %.
  10. Content of active ingredients :
    Determine the weight of the contents of 10 containers. Mix the contents.




Arteether 75 gms
Arachis Oil 1000 ml
Procedure :
Take Sterile Arachis Oil in SS Vessel *.
Add arteether and stir to dissolve
Sterilize the resultant solution by filteration through suitable membrane.
Fill aseptically into USP Type I Ampoules Seal.
Critical Points :
  1. Arachis Oil shall be of good quality.
  2. Moisture is deferimental for the product.
  3. Ampoule shall be sterilized throughly by dry heating and shall be free form moisture.
  4. Relative Humidity of filling area shall be less than 40%.
  5. Ampoules shall be flushed with Nitrogen gas before and after filling to replace air.
* Arachis Oil
Sterilize the Oil before use.
Heat it to 170 C in SS container for 90 minutes.

Letrozole USP 5 mg Tablets

Letrozole USP 5 mg Tablets: Batch Size: 1, 00,000 Tablets
Each Film coated Tablet Contains:
Letrozole U.S.P : 5 mg
Color: Yellow Oxide of Iron & Titanium Dioxide IP
Weight of core tablet = 200 mg
Punch Size : 10/32 Standard concave with a break line
Thickness : 3.95 ± 0.2 mm
Shelf life : 24 months
Raw Materials:-

*qty of Letrozole U.S.P is based on 100%assay on as such basis & it’s qty shall be
adjusted with Lactose

Coating Materials :-

Clopidogrel and Atorvastatin Capsules

Clopidogrel and Atorvastatin Capsules:

Batch Size: 1,00,000
Each hard gelatin capsule contains:
Clopidogrel Bisulphate U.S.P equivalent to Clopidogrel          -  75 mg
( as two film coated tablets)  colour: Sunset Yellow lake

Atorvastatin calcium I.P equivalent to Atorvastatin                  -  10 mg
( as film coated tablet)  colour:  Yellow oxide of iron

Raw Materials:
                       ( Weight of clopidogrel tablets -90 mg / each tablet contains 37.5 mg eq.of ClopidogrelAPI)
Clopidogrel Bisulphate                -9.800  Kgs
Mannitol                                          -2.500  Kgs
MCCP                                             -5.100  Kgs
Hydroxy propyl cellulose                 -0.150 Kgs.
Iso propyl alcohol                            -2.500 Kgs
Methylene dichloride                       -3.250 Kgs
Borcin pharma                                 -0.125 Kgs.
Magnesium state                             -0.100 Kgs
Colloidal silicon dioxide                   -0.075 Kgs
HPMC E-15                                    .-0.450 Kgs
Iso propyl alcohol                            -5.500 Kgs.
Methylene dichloride                       .-9.000 Kgs
Talc-                                                 -0.125 Kgs.
Titanium Dioxide                              -0.113 Kgs.
Castor Oil                                         -0.175 Kgs.
PEG 6000                                        -0.050 Kgs.
Sunset Yellow Lake                         -0.030 Kgs.

Atirvastatin part  :-                  
( Weight of Atorvastatin tablet -90 mg )

Atrovastatin Calcium      .      -1.120 Kgs
Starch                                             -2.500 Kgs.
MCCP                                              -2.500 Kgs
Aerosil                                             .-0.350 Kgs
CCS                                                  -1.500 Kgs.
Talc                                             -0.100 Kgs.
PVPK 30                                     -0.300 Kgs.
IPA       .                                      -5.000 Kgs
Mag. Streate                                -0.100 Kgs.
SSG                                             -0.500 Kgs.
Dummy Granules;
MCCP 101                        -12.000 Kgs
Propyl Paraben Sodium   - 0.100 Kgs
Starch                               - 24.000 Kgs

Coating Materials:-                                                   
HPMC E15                                   -0.250 Kgs.           
IPA                                               -3.000 Kgs           
Methylene Dichloride                    -4.925 Kgs.            
Talc                                               -0.065 Kgs.
Titanium Dioxide                           -0.053 Kgs.
Castor Oil                                      -0.085 Kgs.
PEG 6000                                      -0.040 Kgs
Iron Oxide of Yellow                      -0.050 Kgs.

 ‘0’Size HEG Capsules           -  1,05,000 No’s
       (Blue / Grey)

Phật thủ - thuốc kiện tỳ

Cây phật thủ có tên khoa học Citrus medica var. sarcodactilis (Noot) Swingle. Họ cam quýt (Rutaceae). Quả phật thủ theo đông y còn gọi Phật thủ phiến, Phật thủ cam. Tên khoa học Citrus medica L. var svcodactylus SW. (Citrus medica L var digitata Riss.), thuộc họ Cam quýt (Rutaceae). Quả Phật thủ có hình dáng nắm tay của phật.
Cây phật thủ như thân, lá, vỏ quả đều có chứa tinh dầu, hoạt chất như lisnonoid, hesperosid…; nhiều vitamin B1, B6, B12, C, E…và khoáng chất như kẽm, canxi, sắt, selen…Đặc biệt trong quả chứa tinh dầu và một chất Flavonoit gọi là Hesperidive có công C25H21O15. Phật thủ thường dùng để ăn, làm mứt hay làm thuốc. Quả phật thủ dùng làm thuốc phải hái khi vỏ còn xanh hoặc ngả vàng, thái lát dọc phơi khô (phật thủ phiến) và bảo quản trong bình kín.
Đông y cho rằng, phật thủ vị cay, hơi đắng và chua, tính ôn vào 3 kinh phế và tỳ, vị. Có công dụng lý khí, hành khí giải uất đối với các loại khí trệ, khí nghịch, thư can, chỉ thống, ngừng đau, cầm nôn mửa, mạnh tỳ chữa ho. Hương thảo làm tỉnh tỳ, lý khí, khai vị công năng rất tốt.
Tài liệu của Trung Quốc nói phật thủ chữa được tính truyền nhiễm của bệnh viêm gan trẻ em. Theo “Dược tính chỉ nam”, Phật thủ còn chữa được cả chứng đi lỵ bị rặn nhiều và chứng đau bụng hoắc loạn. Nhưng chứng lỵ đã lâu mà khí lực quá yếu mệt, thì cũng không nên dùng nó.
Phật thủ chủ trị khí trệ ở can vị ngực bụng trướng đau. Phật thủ hương thơm, cay, tán, đắng giáng ôn, thông nên dùng chữa các chứng khí trệ can uất, can vị không hoà tạo nên các chứng hiếp can trướng thống, quản phúc (bụng), lí mẫn, nôn mửa ăn ít. Phật thủ thư can giải uất, trị chứng đàm (đờm) khí giao trở sinh ế cách, chữa tràng nhạc (bệnh lao hạch ở 2 bên cổ).
Tuy nhiên lưu ý người nhiệt, âm hư không nên dùng.
Dưới đây là một số cách trị bệnh từ phật thủ.
* Kiện tỳ, trợ tiêu hóa: 15g gạo, 100g đường phèn. Nấu phật thủ lấy nước rồi nấu cháo ăn vào các buổi sáng.
* Chán ăn, không tiêu, ngực sườn trướng đau, buồn nôn, nhiều đờm, đau mỏi lưng: Quả phật thủ 30g, rượu 5 lít. Phật thủ thái nhỏ để ráo nước ngâm rượu. Cứ 5 ngày có thể lấy ra uống, mỗi lần 15 - 20ml vào trước bữa cơm chiều.
* Chữa tiêu hóa không tốt, không tiêu: Quả phật thủ 50g thái mỏng rồi hong gió cho khô, xuyên tiêu 12g, sa nhân 12g, tiểu hồi hương 12g. Tất cả tán bột, hòa nước sôi để ấm rồi uống. Ngày 2 lần.
* Đau bụng do lạnh: Phật thủ khô 15g, gạo rang 30g. Sắc uống ngày 3 lần.
* Trị ợ hơi: Vỏ quả phật thủ tươi ướp đường nhằn ít một rồi nuốt.
* Trị viêm loét dạ dày - hành tá tràng: Rễ cây phật thủ 30g nấu với dạ dày lợn lượng đủ dùng nấu chín ăn.
* Chữa đau gan và dạ dày: Quả phật thủ tươi 10g, thanh bì 6g, sắc nước uống. Hoặc hoa phật thủ 10g, hương phụ 10g, ô dược 6g, sa nhân 15g, bạch thược 15g, cam thảo 3g, sắc nước uống.
* Chữa ho suyễn, nhiều đờm, khó thở: Quả phật thủ 9 – 15g, vỏ củ gừng (khương bì) 5 - 9g, lá hoắc hương 9g. Sắc lấy nước uống.
* Viêm amidan: Hoa phật thủ 10g, hoa hồng 10g, hoa tường vi 10g, hoa mai 6g. Sắc nước ngậm, súc miệng hoặc uống.
* Chữa viêm phế quản mạn tính: Phật thủ tươi 1 – 2 quả thái nhỏ để vào cái bát to với lượng đường mạch nha vừa dùng, đun cách thủy cho đến khi phật thủ chín nhừ. Dùng trong 3 tuần, mỗi lần ăn một thìa to.
* Đau bụng kinh: Phật thủ tươi 30g, đương quy 6g, gừng tươi 6g, rượu gạo 30g, nước vừa đủ. Sắc uống.
* Bạch đới ra nhiều: Phật thủ 30g, lòng lợn non dài khoảng 0,5 – 1m. Ninh chín ăn liền 5 – 7 ngày.
* Bệnh hạ tiêu (đái tháo đường, nước tiểu đục…): Rễ cây phật thủ 15 – 25g, ruột lợn non 1 bộ. Nấu kỹ để ăn.
* Động kinh: Rễ cây phật thủ 30g, gà mái tơ lông trắng 1 con làm sạch cho vào ninh chín gà. Uống nước, ăn gà.
* Chữa say rượu: Phật thủ tươi 30g. Sắc nước uống.