Batch Size    :    500 Lits
Filling    :    60 ml
Each 10 ml contains :
Chloroquine Phosphate I.P.             160    mg
equivalant to Chloroquine base        100    mg
Flavoured Syrup base                 q.s.
Colour : Sunset Yellow FCF
No.     Ingradients            Lable Amounts     Qty. Required
Per ml Per Batch
1    Chloroquine Phosphate IP    160 mg     8.000    Kg
2    Sugar    q.s.    140.000    Kg
3    CMC Sodium    q.s.     6.000    Kg
4    Nipazine Sodium I.P.    q.s.     1.000    Kg
5    Nipazole Sodium I.P.    q.s.     0.100    Kg
6    Citric Acid    q.s.     5.000    Kg
7    Sodium Benzolate I.P.    q.s.     0.100    Kg
8    Tween 80    q.s.     0.250    Kg
9    Idion 234    q.s.     9.000    Kg
10    Color Sunset Yellow    q.s.     50.0    gm
11    Ess. Pieprmint    q.s.     2.25    Lit
12    D.M. Water    q.s.    500.000    Lit

[ pH : 4.00 to 5.50 ]
1    Weight accurately all ingradients
2    Prepare sugar syrup filter, if then transfer in vessel
3    Dissolve 4.5 in D.M. Water and dispere C.M.C. Sodium I.P. in hot water then add in vessel (A) homogenise to mix all to gather.
4    Add Glycerine in vessel ( A ).
5    Dissolve chloroquine phosphate I.P. in D.M. Water add Idion 234 in tank (B) stir well.
6    Ten add in tank ( A ) stirwell.
7    Add colour sunset yellow in hot water to mix then add in tank (a)
8    Add essence adjust pH and sand sample for Q.C. if result OK then proceed for filling.